Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Are the college girls on to something?

We found this recent New York Times' article about the "hook up" culture on college campuses today very interesting -- particularly how girls can play at the game too.  Kate, a young woman interviewed for this piece, referred to hooking up at "low risk and low investment".  These girls contend that they don't have time for relationships ... they are too busy building their resumes and focusing on their careers to be weighed down by a meaningful relationship. As such, they choose to just hook up when convenient. Or is it that they have just come to expect too little from men? Are they perhaps gravely disappointed with the behavior of men and their inability to give them what they need emotionally and as such, they are settling for the occasional sexual encounter?  Should these girls be looking for their Mrs. degree given the pool of available men at college or should they just have fun and focus on themselves? 

A lot of these issues transcend boundaries of age;  many middle age women are asking themselves the same questions.  Many now say they are self sufficient, successful and only really need men for sex occasionally.  Others say they really want to find a quality guy to build a life with long term.  
What do you think?
We want your thoughts on this topic.  Let's discuss.  

Send us your thoughts below.  

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Make a Plan!

Greetings Ragers, here is my new thing: MAKE A PLAN!

Is chivalry really dead?  I mean, really dead?

Seriously, has technology just completely consumed us so there is no more talking on the phone or, better yet, in person?

I'm not just writing this on behalf of me (Christine)  but all other women who in middle age really have the same stories with dating:

In sum, stop the fucking texting! We are not 13 with the luxury of time and emotional detachment to send out 20 SMS texts per day.  We are busy. We are working. We are in out 40s now and busy managing a shitload of work and annoying Gen Ys and millenials.

If you want to date me, if you want to see me, stop texting me - make a plan!
We are all so sick of your texts "how is your weekend going? or" we should get together soon!"

And then no response back to the same.
And no plan.

Then why the hell are you texting me! Grow up, guys. Man up.  Make a plan. Learn respect for women, which  btw, you should have learned that by now.

I  can say, collectively on behalf of women now (minus by friends who haven't dated since the Reagan administration) we are so done with your 13-year old text messages, that if you really are interested, MAKE A PLAN.

How hard it that? I mean, really.

Monday, July 1, 2013

The Long and Short of It

Story contributed by Middle Rager Colleen Phillips Finley

Ok ladies, time to tackle the subject of our hair in middle age. As a hairdresser and a middle rager myself, I see the ever changing locks of my 40 something clients, friends and myself.

As we get older - just like our skin, butts and boobs - our hair changes as well. Unfortunately not for the better! It loses shine, thickness and overall luster. That being said it is time to re-evaluate how long is too long for us middle ragers!

I see too many women 40 plus hanging on too tightly to their youth with long locks. I believe personally and professionally above the bra strap is a good rule of thumb depending first and foremost how healthy and attractive your hair is! We have all seen those women from behind they have pretty, long hair and to only catch a glimpse of the face and realize she is TOO OLD for that hair! Ladies, it ages you!

This is the time as well, to start investing money into your hair and the products you use on those precious follicles. This is when that investment pays off! We seem to be willing to spend the money on our anti-aging skincare - why not also your hair? We live in an age of wonderful products and tools. There is no reason to suffer from bad hair days. I love the Pureology and Aveda lines.  Argan oil products and keratin treatments are all the rage and worth the money as well.

Our hair is our crowning glory, ladies, but as we age so does our hair so I believe our skirts should get longer and our hair should get shorter!