Thursday, May 30, 2013

What We Drink (other than wine): PROTEIN


If you are like us, you likely are on the mad dash to consume MORE protein and less carbs in order to look slim and fit in middle age.  They keep telling us carbs kill -- potatoes are for pigs; corn is for cows.  But how in the hell do you get all the protein in?  It sets us into a middle RAGE.

We like meat, okay, but we're not huge carnivores. And we're really really sick of chicken. Ick.  I just want a big fat burger without the bun!

Well, to get that protein, you have to supplement and drink a protein shake.  Yes ragers, we don't just drink wine.

A lot of protein shakes/powders are totally gross which is why you can never stick to them.  However, at the GNC store, recently, I discovered the absolute best one that really is delicious. I have it everyday for breakfast now because I never know what the day will bring in terms of freaking protein.


Performance Series MAX Protein (chocolate)
High protein (22g), Low carbs and calories, gluten/wheat free.
It's about 35 smacks the GNC store.

AND (you have to get this to go with it -- delish)

PB2 powdered peanut butter
Tastes like peanut butter (yum) but 85% less fat and calories
2 tablespoons give you an additional 5 grams of protein.

Enjoy! It will taste like a peanut butter cup but give you all that protein you supposedly need in your 40s!

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