Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Best Red Wines Under 30 Smacks

As aforementioned, Heather and I are still ragers. We're not going to give up drinking like we're in our 20s.  Except now red wine is our poison of choice instead of Bud Light.

Red wine, though, is expensive especially if you drink as much of it as we do.

To help your pocketbook, here are some good ones for under 30 bucks:

1. Catena Malbec (about 20 bucks.  I also like it's cheaper version Alamos)
2. Montepulciano d'Abruzzo (about 20 bucks - my personal fav being an Italianphile)
3. Cotes du Rhone (preferrably 2009 or 2010)  (About 15 bucks)
4. Ridge Geyserville Zinfandel  (About 28 bucks)
5. Cloudline Pinot Noir  (About 19 bucks)

For the more expensive stuff, there are some great flash sale sites for wine where you can get short-term great deals.  Heather's favs are Wine.woot and Wine Til Sold Out.

You can always pull out the Folie et Deux Menage a Trois after your first two bottles of good stuff!

